Histórico de mensagens sobre js em freelancer


Texto: js
Canal: freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].


I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.

Avatar discord do usuario jjoaaoo


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Procuro desenvolvedor (com ou sem experiência) para desenvolver uma dashboard completa para gestão de alunos em rede de academias de artes marciais.

// Descrição:
- Será uma dashboard em que o admin poderá gerenciar as informações dos alunos, suas respectivas graduações, onde treinam, etc.
- Também, haverá um painel de gestão de exames de graduação, onde o admin poderá gerenciar as graduações e respectivos "acertos/erros" de cada aluno.
- Entre outros módulos a serem discutidos.

// Tecnologias:
- Next.js
- Node.js
- Outras vertentes (ou algo muito similar)
[Quanto às tecnologias, aceito outras sugestões, mas busco algo profissional sem parecer "php puro".]

// Remuneração:
- Pix de até R$5.000 (não necessito nota fiscal)

// Prazo:
- Flexível, sem pressa.

Chama na DM para conversarmos! :)

Avatar discord do usuario zgnmk


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Boa noite , procuro desenvolvedor em node.js em que troque a api do mercado pago para receber pagamentos automáticos pela Efi bank, me chame na dm

Avatar discord do usuario eityeily


🚀 Experienced Full-Stack Developer with Verified Expertise in Web3 & Blockchain Solutions

I’m a skilled developer with a proven track record of delivering high-quality projects. With expertise in Next.js, Solidity, Rust, Vue, Nest.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and TypeScript, I bring the right tools to ensure your project’s success. 💼💻

## What I Offer:
Next.js & Vue: Fast, responsive, and scalable web applications.
🔐 Solidity & Rust: Secure, efficient smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps).
🏗️ Nest.js: Robust and scalable back-end systems.
🗄️ MongoDB & PostgreSQL: Solid database management for performance and reliability.
🛠️ TypeScript: Type-safe, scalable, and maintainable codebase.
I’ve worked with verified companies on major projects in the blockchain and Web3 space, consistently delivering exceptional results. When you hire me, you’re not just getting a developer – you’re getting a dedicated partner committed to your success. 🌟

Learn more about me and my work: https://goldliondev.com

Let’s connect and bring your vision to life! Feel free to DM me anytime! 💬

Avatar discord do usuario tobib8332


[FOR HIRE] I am a highly skilled and experienced Freelance Full-Stack / Backend Developer currently seeking new opportunities!

🌻 My Skills & Expertise:
Frontend: UI/UX design, React, Vue, Tailwind css, Bootstrap, React Native & Figma design
Backend: Node, PHP & PHP framework, Python ( Fast API / Flask )
AI Engine: OpenAI Codex, Azure OpenAI, GPT-4, Langchain
Web3: Smart contract, Web3.js, Rust(Solana), ERC20 & ERC721 & ERC1155

🎓 My Experience:
- Developed scalable web applications and RESTful APIs
- Built secure and efficient smart contracts for various blockchain projects
- Integrated Web3 features into existing applications
- Contributed to open-source projects related to blockchain technology

🏅 My Resume
My portfolio : https://tobi-studio.vercel.app/
Figma: https://figma.com/@tobistudio

I'm excited to hear about your projects and contribute to your success!
Let's build amazing things together!

Avatar discord do usuario tellyscastro


⛳ Sistema de pagamento integrado com EFI configurado e Funcionando

Quem estiver procurando um sistema de pagamento configurado e integrado com a API do Banco EFI, eu já tenho um prontinho e funcionando,

Dados do sistema:
1) BackEnd:
- Laravel 11
- Servidor: Linux - (LEMP - Nginx, Mysql, PHP)
- Rodando com SSL
- servidor websocket / real-time (opcional)

2) API - Rest
- endpoint's configurados dentro do padrão API Rest
- a API é segura, com acesso autenticado

3) FrontEnd
- atualmente tenho um front em VUE.js
- client websocket / real-time (opcional)

4) Instalação e manutenção / assessoria
- podemos vender somente o sistema
- podemos também disponibilizar a instalação + manutenção + update + personalização + assessoria

Preço a combinar, só chamar no privado

Grande abraço a todos

Avatar discord do usuario vinybergamo


Apresentamos uma plataforma completa e personalizada para a gestão de sua empresa!

Com esta solução sob medida, você terá acesso a uma gama de funcionalidades pensadas para otimizar a gestão do seu negócio:

Gestão de Colaboradores: Organize e acompanhe o desempenho de sua equipe com facilidade.

Gestão de Clientes: Mantenha um controle detalhado de cada cliente, permitindo um atendimento mais eficaz e personalizado.

Emissão de Notas Fiscais: Gere notas fiscais de forma rápida e simples, garantindo conformidade e agilidade no processo.

Emissão de Cobranças: Controle e acompanhe todas as cobranças de forma centralizada, evitando atrasos e simplificando a gestão financeira.

Envio de Cobranças: Envie cobranças diretamente pelo WhatsApp, E-mail ou SMS, facilitando a comunicação e aumentando a taxa de recebimento.

Gestão de Empresas: Ideal para quem possui múltiplas empresas ou CNPJs, permitindo a organização e visualização das informações de cada unidade.

Gestão de Inadimplência: Monitore os pagamentos pendentes e organize suas ações de cobrança de forma eficiente.

Além dessas funcionalidades, oferecemos a possibilidade de adicionar módulos personalizados de acordo com a necessidade do seu negócio, garantindo que a plataforma se ajuste perfeitamente às suas operações.

Solicite uma demonstração e descubra como nossa plataforma pode transformar a gestão da sua empresa!

Entre em contato conosco pelo WhatsApp (13) 99129-1316 e tire suas dúvidas ou agende uma apresentação. Estamos prontos para ajudar você a impulsionar seu negócio!
imagem enviada na mensagem pelo usuario vinybergamo

Avatar discord do usuario eityeily


🚀 Experienced Full-Stack Developer with Verified Expertise in Web3 & Blockchain Solutions

I’m a skilled developer with a proven track record of delivering high-quality projects. With expertise in Next.js, Solidity, Rust, Vue, Nest.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and TypeScript, I bring the right tools to ensure your project’s success. 💼💻

## What I Offer:
Next.js & Vue: Fast, responsive, and scalable web applications.
🔐 Solidity & Rust: Secure, efficient smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps).
🏗️ Nest.js: Robust and scalable back-end systems.
🗄️ MongoDB & PostgreSQL: Solid database management for performance and reliability.
🛠️ TypeScript: Type-safe, scalable, and maintainable codebase.
I’ve worked with verified companies on major projects in the blockchain and Web3 space, consistently delivering exceptional results. When you hire me, you’re not just getting a developer – you’re getting a dedicated partner committed to your success. 🌟

Learn more about me and my work: https://goldliondev.com

Let’s connect and bring your vision to life! Feel free to DM me anytime! 💬

Avatar discord do usuario tobib8332


[FOR HIRE] I am a highly skilled and experienced Freelance Full-Stack / Backend Developer currently seeking new opportunities!

🌻 My Skills & Expertise:
Frontend: UI/UX design, React, Vue, Tailwind css, Bootstrap, React Native & Figma design
Backend: Node, PHP & PHP framework, Python ( Fast API / Flask )
AI Engine: OpenAI Codex, Azure OpenAI, GPT-4, Langchain
Web3: Smart contract, Web3.js, Rust(Solana), ERC20 & ERC721 & ERC1155

🎓 My Experience:
- Developed scalable web applications and RESTful APIs
- Built secure and efficient smart contracts for various blockchain projects
- Integrated Web3 features into existing applications
- Contributed to open-source projects related to blockchain technology

🏅 My Resume
My portfolio : https://tobi-studio.vercel.app/
Figma: https://figma.com/@tobistudio

I'm excited to hear about your projects and contribute to your success!
Let's build amazing things together!

Avatar discord do usuario eityeily


I am Experienced Developer with Verified Company

Main Skills:
- Next.js
- Solidity
- Rust
- Vue
- Nest.js
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- TypeScript

You will achieve success if you hire me.👌

You can learn more about me here,

DM me if you are interested.

Avatar discord do usuario tobib8332


🔸Please hire me if you have any works🔸

I'm a skilled Full Stack and Web3 Developer with a rich blend of technical skills and hands-on experience.
I'm enthusiastic about joining a dynamic team or contributing to innovative projects. Here's a snapshot of my capabilities:

☘️ My Major Skills:
🔹Frontend: UI/UX design, React, Next.js, Vue.js, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript
🔹Backend: Node.js, Express, Django, Flask, Ruby on Rails
🔹Databases: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL
🔹Web3: Solidity, Smart Contracts, Ethereum, Truffle, Solana, Web3.js, Ethers.js
🔹Version Control: Git, GitHub, GitLab

📬 Let's Connect!
Portfolio: https://tobi-studio.vercel.app/
Figma: https://figma.com/@tobistudio
Email: [email protected]

If you know of any opportunities or need a developer for your project, feel free to reach out:
Looking forward to connecting with you!

Avatar discord do usuario tobib8332


[FOR HIRE] I am a highly skilled and experienced Freelance Full-Stack / Backend Developer currently seeking new opportunities!

🌻 My Skills & Expertise:
Frontend: UI/UX design, React, Vue, Tailwind css, Bootstrap, React Native & Figma design
Backend: Node, PHP & PHP framework, Python ( Fast API / Flask )
AI Engine: OpenAI Codex, Azure OpenAI, GPT-4, Langchain
Web3: Smart contract, Web3.js, Rust(Solana), ERC20 & ERC721 & ERC1155

🎓 My Experience:
- Developed scalable web applications and RESTful APIs
- Built secure and efficient smart contracts for various blockchain projects
- Integrated Web3 features into existing applications
- Contributed to open-source projects related to blockchain technology

🏅 My CV
My portfolio : https://tobi-studio.vercel.app/
Figma: https://figma.com/@tobistudio

I'm excited to hear about your projects and contribute to your success!
Let's build amazing things together!

Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].


I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.

Avatar discord do usuario bestdev322


Ver Respostas

Olá a todos.

Sou um desenvolvedor full-stack apaixonado com mais de 7 anos de experiência profissional.

No passado, desenvolvi vários sites e aplicativos móveis.

HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap,
PHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter,
Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js,
Python, Django, Flask,
Flutter, React Native, Ionic,
React, Next.js, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Angular,
Solidity, Web3,
MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB,
Shopify, Wordpress.

No momento, estou procurando um emprego.

Se você tiver algum projeto, sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato comigo.

Avatar discord do usuario lamaoficial


Olá meu nome é Felipe Correia e eu sou desenvolvedor web e mobile, aprimorei minhas habilidades em tecnologias front-end como React, React-Native e Next.js, bem como tecnologias back-end como Node.js, MySQL, Firebase e MongoDB.

Atualmente criei um site e-commerce com pagamentos pix com qr code, consulta cep e cotação de frete.

Portfolio: https://felipecorreia-dev.vercel.app/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/felipe-correia-b99067300/
Github: https://github.com/felipecorreiasilva

Avatar discord do usuario eityeily


Experienced Developer with Verfied Company

Main Skills:
- Next.js
- Solidity
- Rust
- Vue
- Nest.js
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- TypeScript

You will achieve success if you hire me.👌
Not a joke, it is truth

You can learn more about me here,

DM me if you are interested.

Avatar discord do usuario jonataspedroso


Bom dia pessoal estou em busca de freelance. sou especialista em java, spring, node, next.js, react e vue.js

Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].


I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.

Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].

I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.

Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].
Portfolio : https://www.aozora-developer.com/

I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.