Histórico de mensagens sobre webhook em pix


Texto: webhook
Data: 10/01/2025
Canal: pix
Avatar discord do usuario raphael.fnds


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Bom dia, webhook não informa Cobranças imediatas canceladas/devolvidas/etc, exemplo por tempo expirado (que defini) ou qualquer outro problema? Devo buscar essa informação ativamente em Consultar lista de cobranças/Consultar cobrança?

Avatar discord do usuario rubenskuhl


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If you turn on the "pagador" information, the webhook will look like this:
"pix": [
"endToEndId": "E1803615022211340s08793XPJ",
"txid": "fc9a43k6ff384ryP5f41719",
"chave": "2c3c7441-b91e-4982-3c25-6105581e18ae",
"valor": "0.01",
"horario": "2020-12-21T13:40:34.000Z",
"infoPagador": "pagando o pix",
"gnExtras": {
"pagador": {
"cpf": ".123.456-",

Note that you would still have to compare it to "devedor" to assess whether it's the same person or not. But if it's an issue pagador and devedor being different, you could set the account to deny such payments.

Avatar discord do usuario .steelfenix


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Good Night,

I'm currently helping a company to integrate Pix. Do you have an example of the webhook response when a "pagador" diferent from the informed on the PUT /v2/cob/:txid payed the QR code?
imagem enviada na mensagem pelo usuario .steelfenix