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Texto: App
Data: 19/09/2024
# pix
Avatar discord do usuario joaolucas_efi


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Boa tarde, @_diogomachado. Tudo bem?
1) O ideal é alterar para o novo sdk sdk-node-apis-efi, em NestJS serão precisos algumas alterações, recentemente o @antoniofernandes fez essa mesma alteração, houveram algumas modificações à serem feitas. Uma delas foi incluir no tsconfig.json dentro do compilerOptions as seguinte opções

"esModuleInterop": true,
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
, porém isso ocasionou em outras falhas. @antoniofernandes se puder fazer a gentileza de compartilhar conosco a forma com que resolveu essa situação, agradecemos bastante

2) Para receber valores através do Pix via API não há nenhuma solicitação a ser feita.

Caso tenha alguma dúvida basta nos perguntar para que possamos lhe auxiliar da maneira mais assertiva possível.

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario _forever0224


Hello, everyone 👋
I am looking for work as full stack developer
🔥 In particular, I have rich experience in web program development using JavaScript frameworks such as NodeJS, VueJS, ReactJS, AngularJS, and using PHP frameworks such as Laravel and CodeIgniter.
🔥 And I have strong skills in the development of Mobile apps using Flutter and React native.

My Good Points For Service:
- I'm pragmatic and creative in building software. I can simplify and get things done quickly with a demonstrated track record of building and delivering high-quality software.
- I have a passion for making your ideas a reality, building prototypes and ultimately launching production-scale solutions in the market.
- I am familiar with building clean, efficient, well-documented, well-structured, high-quality code projects.
- Also, I am very well-versed in the agile approach in project development and really love to add my creativity to the overall project implementation.

My Basic Skill
1. Front-end development using React.js, Next.js, Vue
2. Back-end using Express, Laravel, Node.js, Nest.js
3. App(Android/IOS) Development using Flutter, React Native
4. Database design, implementation, and management by MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase, PostgreSQL, GraphQL

portfolio: https://swan1213.github.io
Let me know from you any time.
I assure you to give best quality work and 100% satisfaction with work.
Best Regards.