Histórico de mensagens sobre Python


Texto: Python
# pix
Avatar discord do usuario bielwqi


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Tenho um bot em python onde minha verificao de pix esta dando o erro

string indices must be integers, not 'str'
imagem enviada na mensagem pelo usuario bielwqi

# pix
Avatar discord do usuario cj_17_


Mas o codigo e em python

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario _shinjisakai_


[FOR HIRE] [Remote] [Full-stack] [Full-time]
- Background:
- Dev who creates highly stable code based on powerful mathematical algorithm.
- Dev who works while maintaining a good relationship with the client.
- Dev that provides perfect results on time and flexible timezone.
- Dev that keeps each 50% work and 50% communication.

- Skillset:
+ Frontend:
- JavaScript / TypeScript / React / Redux / Next / Gatsby / React Native / Vue / Angular
- Tailwind CSS / Material UI / Styled-component / BootStrap
+ Backend:
- Laravel / CI / PHP / Python / Django
- Node / Express / Nest
+ DB Management:
- MySQL / MongoDB / PostgreSQL / Firebase
+ SVN and Agile Methods:
- Github / Gitlab / BitBucket / Git
- Jira / Trello / Notion
+ Cloud Services:
- AWS Lamda / S3 / EC2 / RDS / Cognito
- Firebase / Heroku / GCP
- Microsoft Azure

✨ Sincerely.

# pix
Avatar discord do usuario yasmin_efi


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@cj_17_ este erro parece estar em algum pacote local do seu projeto. Dê uma olhada em nossa SDK de python, você pode testar nossos endpoints por lá! https://github.com/efipay/sdk-python-apis-efi

# pix
Avatar discord do usuario igor_efi


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Boa tarde, @andre_53239! Tudo bem?
Você pode se comunicar com a nossa API usando a linguagem Python. Para isso, você pode desenvolver suas próprias requisições ou aproveitar nossa SDK, que facilita ainda mais a integração.
Segue o link da sdk: https://dev.efipay.com.br/docs/sdk/python

# pix
Avatar discord do usuario andre_53239


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boa tarde pessoal, tenho uma dúvida! Tenho um bot no telegram, em python, onde recebo pagamentos via pix. É possível fazer isso com a Efi?

# pix
Avatar discord do usuario rubenskuhl


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1) Baixar o app
2) Abrir uma conta
3) Se a conta for PF, mudar o tipo da conta para "Efí Pro"
4) Criar aplicação/clientid/clientsecret/certificado
5) Usar uma SDK como a https://dev.efipay.com.br/docs/sdk/python ou chamar os métodos diretamente

# pix
Avatar discord do usuario cj_17_


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Pra essa aplicaçao vai ser Python

# pix
Avatar discord do usuario stoliarskiykostiantyn


Hi everyone! Could someone help me please! I'm trying to implement EfiPay to send payment to pix with such code from python sdk from github repo https://github.com/efipay/sdk-python-apis-efi

Code looks like this now:

class EfiClient:
efi: EfiPay
creds: s.EfiCredentials

def configure(self, config: BaseConfig):
# Notion: Sandbox = False on prod machine
self.creds = s.EfiCredentials(

self.efi = EfiPay(self.creds.model_dump())

And the toruble is that efipay class doesn't acceprt certificates, support told me to chage base_url BUT there no way to do it! Help please) Would be very grateful!

# pix
Avatar discord do usuario errorzadaa


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Faz o sistema de agendamento usando python e só usa a api pra enviar daí

# pix
Avatar discord do usuario manudatabaca


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Boa noite, alguém pode me informar se consigo agendar um pix pela api? E caso precisar também cancelar esse agendamento depois
Preciso implementar isso em meu projeto utilizando Python

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].


I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.

# devs
Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].

I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.

# pix
Avatar discord do usuario delorme.onlineips


Boa tarde, usando o SDK Python, depois de Requisitar Extrato Conciliação ao tentar Solicitar Download Extrato Conciliação ao invés de um CSV ser retornado (após os 30 segundos, antes o retorno indicava corretamente AGUARDANDO_PROCESSAMENTO), o retorno foi apenas a string:

{'code': 200}

ao invés do CSV.

Podem me orientar?

Segui os exemplos de vocês:


# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].

I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.

# pix
Avatar discord do usuario pan2_


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Tudo bem glr? Alguem me diz se e possivel realizar o QRcode pix com a verificação, sem o servidor? Ou tem que ter servidor de intermediario? Tudo com python... Obrigado desde já!

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].
Portfolio : https://www.aozora-developer.com/

I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.

# devs
Avatar discord do usuario gabriel_efi


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Boa noite, @lucas_s1503!
Um material oficial de integração com Django não temos, talvez nosso público <#💻devs> pode auxiliar nessa questão!
Contudo, no que tange a linguagem Python, temos uma SDK robusta e muito prática de ser utilizada! Seguem os links:


# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario darkseer.


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# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario darkseer.

