Histórico de mensagens sobre Python


Texto: Python
# pagamento-contas
Avatar discord do usuario izaacfariamid1


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boa tarde pessoal. Tudo bem? Eu tenho uma confecção de uniformes esportivos e criei um link via Microsoft Forms para coletar informações de meus clientes para um pedido, após isso eu criei uma automação em Python que dispara mensagens para meus clientes com um código qrcode pix para cobrar referente ao pedido. Até aí tudo tá indo beleza. A dor de cabeça é depois conferir na planilha de excel nome por nome e comprovante por comprovante e ver quem pagou ou não. Tava pensando em algo feito no n8n, alguma coisa de webhook para integrar com uma aplicação da api pix do EFI. Alguém do banco poderia me ajudar quais seriam as caixas marcadas na API?

# dúvidas
Avatar discord do usuario mymoney__


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Tem algum código pronto em Python? De exemplo?

# dúvidas
Avatar discord do usuario guilherme_efi


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Oi, boa tarde!
Claro, é possível. Basta fazer a requisição PUT /v2/gn/pix/:idEnvio na sua aplicação, conforme descrito na nossa documentação técnica.

Para facilitar a integração, você pode usar nossa SDK de Python: https://github.com/efipay/sdk-python-apis-efi

# dúvidas
Avatar discord do usuario mymoney__


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Queria saber se api envia pix para outras contas se eu programar via Python

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario tobibelaw8332


[FOR HIRE] I am a highly skilled and experienced Freelance Full-Stack / Backend Developer currently seeking new opportunities!

🌻 My Skills & Expertise:
Frontend: UI/UX design, React, Vue, Tailwind css, Bootstrap, React Native & Figma design
Backend: Node, PHP & PHP framework, Python ( Fast API / Flask )
AI Engine: OpenAI Codex, Azure OpenAI, GPT-4, Langchain
Web3: Smart contract, Web3.js, Rust(Solana), ERC20 & ERC721 & ERC1155

🎓 My Experience:
- Developed scalable web applications and RESTful APIs
- Built secure and efficient smart contracts for various blockchain projects
- Integrated Web3 features into existing applications
- Contributed to open-source projects related to blockchain technology

🏅 My CV
My portfolio : https://tobi-studio.vercel.app/
Figma: https://figma.com/@tobistudio

I'm excited to hear about your projects and contribute to your success!
Let's build amazing things together!

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].


I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.

# cartões
Avatar discord do usuario aguiar.dev


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Alguém ai usa o module sdk python? Estava tentando usar o refund mas não tem esse metodo no python

# devs
Avatar discord do usuario antoniosusa


galerinha, boa tarde... alguém sabe me informar o quão atualizada está o SDK Python? Olhando o repositório está com mais de 1 ano sem manutenção.

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario bestdev322


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Olá a todos.

Sou um desenvolvedor full-stack apaixonado com mais de 7 anos de experiência profissional.

No passado, desenvolvi vários sites e aplicativos móveis.

HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap,
PHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter,
Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js,
Python, Django, Flask,
Flutter, React Native, Ionic,
React, Next.js, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Angular,
Solidity, Web3,
MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB,
Shopify, Wordpress.

No momento, estou procurando um emprego.

Se você tiver algum projeto, sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato comigo.

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario _shinjisakai_


[FOR HIRE] [Remote] [Full-stack] [Full-time]
I am looking for a remote job or task as I am a senior full-stack dev.
- Background:
- Dev who creates highly stable code based on powerful mathematical algorithm.
- Dev who works while maintaining a good relationship with the client.
- Dev that provides perfect results on time and flexible timezone.
- Dev that keeps each 50% work and 50% communication.

- Skillset:
+ Frontend:
- JavaScript / TypeScript / React / Redux / Next / Gatsby / React Native / Vue / Angular
- Tailwind CSS / Material UI / Styled-component / BootStrap
+ Backend:
- Laravel / CI / PHP / Python / Django
- Node / Express / Nest
+ DB Management:
- MySQL / MongoDB / PostgreSQL / Firebase
+ SVN and Agile Methods:
- Github / Gitlab / BitBucket / Git
- Jira / Trello / Notion
+ Cloud Services:
- AWS Lamda / S3 / EC2 / RDS / Cognito
- Firebase / Heroku / GCP
- Microsoft Azure

✨ Sincerely.

# devs
Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].


I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario _shinjisakai_


[FOR HIRE] [Remote] [Full-stack] [Full-time]
I am looking for a remote job or task as I am a senior full-stack dev.
- Background:
- Dev who creates highly stable code based on powerful mathematical algorithm.
- Dev who works while maintaining a good relationship with the client.
- Dev that provides perfect results on time and flexible timezone.
- Dev that keeps each 50% work and 50% communication.

- Skillset:
+ Frontend:
- JavaScript / TypeScript / React / Redux / Next / Gatsby / React Native / Vue / Angular
- Tailwind CSS / Material UI / Styled-component / BootStrap
+ Backend:
- Laravel / CI / PHP / Python / Django
- Node / Express / Nest
+ DB Management:
- MySQL / MongoDB / PostgreSQL / Firebase
+ SVN and Agile Methods:
- Github / Gitlab / BitBucket / Git
- Jira / Trello / Notion
+ Cloud Services:
- AWS Lamda / S3 / EC2 / RDS / Cognito
- Firebase / Heroku / GCP
- Microsoft Azure

✨ Sincerely.

# devs
Avatar discord do usuario bielwqi


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Tenho um bot em python onde minha verificao de pix esta dando o erro

string indices must be integers, not 'str'
imagem enviada na mensagem pelo usuario bielwqi

# dúvidas
Avatar discord do usuario bielwqi


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Tenho um bot em python onde minha verificao de pix esta dando o erro

string indices must be integers, not 'str'
imagem enviada na mensagem pelo usuario bielwqi