Histórico de mensagens sobre javascript


Texto: javascript
# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario _shinjisakai_


[FOR HIRE] [Remote] [Full-stack] [Full-time]
I am looking for a remote job or task as I am a senior full-stack dev.
- Background:
- Dev who creates highly stable code based on powerful mathematical algorithm.
- Dev who works while maintaining a good relationship with the client.
- Dev that provides perfect results on time and flexible timezone.
- Dev that keeps each 50% work and 50% communication.

- Skillset:
+ Frontend:
- JavaScript / TypeScript / React / Redux / Next / Gatsby / React Native / Vue / Angular
- Tailwind CSS / Material UI / Styled-component / BootStrap
+ Backend:
- Laravel / CI / PHP / Python / Django
- Node / Express / Nest
+ DB Management:
- MySQL / MongoDB / PostgreSQL / Firebase
+ SVN and Agile Methods:
- Github / Gitlab / BitBucket / Git
- Jira / Trello / Notion
+ Cloud Services:
- AWS Lamda / S3 / EC2 / RDS / Cognito
- Firebase / Heroku / GCP
- Microsoft Azure

✨ Sincerely.

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario _shinjisakai_


[FOR HIRE] [Remote] [Full-stack] [Full-time]
- Background:
- Dev who creates highly stable code based on powerful mathematical algorithm.
- Dev who works while maintaining a good relationship with the client.
- Dev that provides perfect results on time and flexible timezone.
- Dev that keeps each 50% work and 50% communication.

- Skillset:
+ Frontend:
- JavaScript / TypeScript / React / Redux / Next / Gatsby / React Native / Vue / Angular
- Tailwind CSS / Material UI / Styled-component / BootStrap
+ Backend:
- Laravel / CI / PHP / Python / Django
- Node / Express / Nest
+ DB Management:
- MySQL / MongoDB / PostgreSQL / Firebase
+ SVN and Agile Methods:
- Github / Gitlab / BitBucket / Git
- Jira / Trello / Notion
+ Cloud Services:
- AWS Lamda / S3 / EC2 / RDS / Cognito
- Firebase / Heroku / GCP
- Microsoft Azure

✨ Sincerely.

# pix
Avatar discord do usuario errorzadaa


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aparenta ser erro de javascript

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].


I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.

# devs
Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].

I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].

I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.

# devs
Avatar discord do usuario rubenskuhl


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Independe de API ou SDK. O que ainda funciona é colocando o Javascript de gerar token a partir do cartão.

# cartões
Avatar discord do usuario erickyuri11


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olá, bom dia to tendo problema na parte front end, so reconhece o javascript quando atualiza a pagina!

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario aozora_d


Hello everyone, everything good?
I am an experienced web developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and highly functional websites and web applications.
I've been working as a Full stack Developer for over 5 years.

I am an extremely skilled professional in developing websites and web applications, focusing on the user experience and also on the responsiveness of my projects.

[UI/UX, Javascript, React, Next.js, NodeJS, NestJS, Python/Django, AI chatbot integration, AI assets(audio, image...) generate].
Portfolio : https://www.aozora-developer.com/

I am available to work on project and ready to discuss further.

# devs
Avatar discord do usuario tiago.rodrigues_br


Bom dia pessoal,

Já que aparentemente a Efí nunca vai resolver colocar o valor em tarifas novamente no gráfico do extrato, e para quem não quer usar API para algo tão simples ou ficar calculando no Excel, fiz uma pequena ferramenta (só html + javascript) onde você baixa o extrato de débitos e ela calcula as tarifas para você.

São 50 linhas de código e não precisa de servidor, só abrir o html e usar.


# cartões
Avatar discord do usuario rodrigoaes


status: 500
code: 3500072,
error: 'request_not_allowed',
error_description: 'Não foi possível finalizar sua solicitação. Por favor, entre em contato com o suporte Efí.'

# cartões
Avatar discord do usuario erickyuri11


nao ta é reconhecendo o javascript, so quando da um f5, o site esta hospedado. isso é normal?

# cartões
Avatar discord do usuario erickyuri11


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@palloma_efi negocio que nao entendo porque o javascript, nao esta reconhecendo na hora, so quando da f5

# dúvidas
Avatar discord do usuario cesarmarinhorj2516


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ah sim. usa...tem links de javascript pra fazer o ajax

# dúvidas
Avatar discord do usuario rubenskuhl


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Javascript em front-end é bem diferente de NodeJS em back-end... é bem provável que seu site use Javascript para renderização.

# dúvidas
Avatar discord do usuario cesarmarinhorj2516


se já estivesse tudo aqui em javascript, blz, mas o stack é php, optamos aqui pra não ficar com nada do lado de cá.

# dúvidas
Avatar discord do usuario cesarmarinhorj2516


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vdd, tem isso tb. na vdd realmente javascript ali nem fica tão inseguro assim, é mais pra mater o padrão mesmo.

# dúvidas
Avatar discord do usuario rubenskuhl


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É que o risco é o mesmo, que é de trocarem sua página de pagamento. Com o Javascript, colocam um Javascript "vampiro" em paralelo... com o link de pagamento, trocam o link de pagamento.