Histórico de mensagens sobre typescript


Texto: typescript
# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario bestdev322


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Olá a todos.

Sou um desenvolvedor full-stack apaixonado com mais de 7 anos de experiência profissional.

No passado, desenvolvi vários sites e aplicativos móveis.

HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap,
PHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter,
Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js,
Python, Django, Flask,
Flutter, React Native, Ionic,
React, Next.js, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Angular,
Solidity, Web3,
MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB,
Shopify, Wordpress.

No momento, estou procurando um emprego.

Se você tiver algum projeto, sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato comigo.

# pix
Avatar discord do usuario williandougllas


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Olá pessoal, bom dia!

Estou tentando instalar o repositório [email protected]:efipay/sdk-typescript-apis-efi.git no diretório www_gn e, ao rodar npm install na pasta sdk-typescript-apis-efi/examples, estou recebendo o erro abaixo:
npm error code 1
npm error path /home/vagrant/.npm/_cacache/tmp/git-clonelmouXt
npm error command sh -c npm run build
npm error error TS5055: Cannot write file '/home/vagrant/.npm/_cacache/tmp/git-clonelmouXt/dist/index.d.ts' because it would overwrite input file.
Já tentei remover a pasta dist e executar novamente, mas o erro persiste. Alguém pode ajudar a resolver isso?


# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario _shinjisakai_


[FOR HIRE] [Remote] [Full-stack] [Full-time]
I am looking for a remote job or task as I am a senior full-stack dev.
- Background:
- Dev who creates highly stable code based on powerful mathematical algorithm.
- Dev who works while maintaining a good relationship with the client.
- Dev that provides perfect results on time and flexible timezone.
- Dev that keeps each 50% work and 50% communication.

- Skillset:
+ Frontend:
- JavaScript / TypeScript / React / Redux / Next / Gatsby / React Native / Vue / Angular
- Tailwind CSS / Material UI / Styled-component / BootStrap
+ Backend:
- Laravel / CI / PHP / Python / Django
- Node / Express / Nest
+ DB Management:
- MySQL / MongoDB / PostgreSQL / Firebase
+ SVN and Agile Methods:
- Github / Gitlab / BitBucket / Git
- Jira / Trello / Notion
+ Cloud Services:
- AWS Lamda / S3 / EC2 / RDS / Cognito
- Firebase / Heroku / GCP
- Microsoft Azure

✨ Sincerely.

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario _shinjisakai_


[FOR HIRE] [Remote] [Full-stack] [Full-time]
I am looking for a remote job or task as I am a senior full-stack dev.
- Background:
- Dev who creates highly stable code based on powerful mathematical algorithm.
- Dev who works while maintaining a good relationship with the client.
- Dev that provides perfect results on time and flexible timezone.
- Dev that keeps each 50% work and 50% communication.

- Skillset:
+ Frontend:
- JavaScript / TypeScript / React / Redux / Next / Gatsby / React Native / Vue / Angular
- Tailwind CSS / Material UI / Styled-component / BootStrap
+ Backend:
- Laravel / CI / PHP / Python / Django
- Node / Express / Nest
+ DB Management:
- MySQL / MongoDB / PostgreSQL / Firebase
+ SVN and Agile Methods:
- Github / Gitlab / BitBucket / Git
- Jira / Trello / Notion
+ Cloud Services:
- AWS Lamda / S3 / EC2 / RDS / Cognito
- Firebase / Heroku / GCP
- Microsoft Azure

✨ Sincerely.

# pix
Avatar discord do usuario rubenskuhl


Ver Respostas

Essa aí é para typescript, é bem próxima...

# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario eityeily


Experienced Developer with Verfied Company

Main Skills:
- Next.js
- Solidity
- Rust
- Vue
- Nest.js
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- TypeScript

You will achieve success if you hire me.👌
Not a joke, it is truth

You can learn more about me here,

DM me if you are interested.

# devs
Avatar discord do usuario bruno_valero


Boa noite devs.

Acabei de finalizar a integração dos principais endpoints da API PIX (Efí Pay) no meu SDK typescript que apresentei anteriormente.

Também adicionei a opção de incluir certidicados em formato base64 e Buffer. Dentre as funcionalidades adicionadas estão:

- Cobranças imediatas
- Cobranças com vencimento
-Envio e Pagamento Pix
-Gestão de Pix
- Payload Locations
- Cobranças em Lote
- Split de pagamento Pix
- Webhooks

Em breve irei integrar as funcionalidades de Cartão de Crédito e Assinatura.

Há a possibilidade de utilizá-lo tanto em produção quanto em teste (SANDBOX), então quem prefere typescript e quiser dar uma olhada está convidado.

Segue o link da documentação para quem quiser fazer alguns testes:


# freelancer
Avatar discord do usuario _shinjisakai_


[FOR HIRE] [Remote] [Full-stack] [Full-time]
- Background:
- Dev who creates highly stable code based on powerful mathematical algorithm.
- Dev who works while maintaining a good relationship with the client.
- Dev that provides perfect results on time and flexible timezone.
- Dev that keeps each 50% work and 50% communication.

- Skillset:
+ Frontend:
- JavaScript / TypeScript / React / Redux / Next / Gatsby / React Native / Vue / Angular
- Tailwind CSS / Material UI / Styled-component / BootStrap
+ Backend:
- Laravel / CI / PHP / Python / Django
- Node / Express / Nest
+ DB Management:
- MySQL / MongoDB / PostgreSQL / Firebase
+ SVN and Agile Methods:
- Github / Gitlab / BitBucket / Git
- Jira / Trello / Notion
+ Cloud Services:
- AWS Lamda / S3 / EC2 / RDS / Cognito
- Firebase / Heroku / GCP
- Microsoft Azure

✨ Sincerely.