If you turn on the "pagador" information, the webhook will look like this:
"pix": [
"endToEndId": "E1803615022211340s08793XPJ",
"txid": "fc9a43k6ff384ryP5f41719",
"chave": "2c3c7441-b91e-4982-3c25-6105581e18ae",
"valor": "0.01",
"horario": "2020-12-21T13:40:34.000Z",
"infoPagador": "pagando o pix",
"gnExtras": {
"pagador": {
"cpf": ".123.456-",
Note that you would still have to compare it to "devedor" to assess whether it's the same person or not. But if it's an issue pagador and devedor being different, you could set the account to deny such payments.